User Guide of iMyFone EasifyAI

iMyFone EasifyAI is an AI efficiency toolbox that operates on the Windows system. You can utilize multiple AI tools within a program, eliminating the need to download multiple software. EasifyAI is designed to boost work efficiency anywhere and anytime through AI tools.

iMyFone EasifyAI Product Instructions

If you need to use multiple AI tools but don't want to download a bunch of software, EasifyAI is undoubtedly going to be your most reliable assistant.

Step 1 Launch EasifyAI

Start iMyFone EasifyAI and enter the main interface. From there, select the tool you wish to use.

easifyai interface

Step 2 Tool Loading

The first time you use the AI tool, the program will need to load. This process won't take too long, so please be patient.

easifyai interface

Step 3 Tool usage

(1) Loading Completed

After the tool finishes loading, the system will automatically launch the selected tool for you. You can choose to view and use it.

easifyai interface

  • After your initial use of the feature, subsequent usage won't require a second loading. You can directly open the feature for use.

(2) Tool usage

User Guide of EasifyAI Story-to-Video

Click here to check the User Guide of EasifyAI Story-to-Video.

User Guide of EasifyAI ChatGPT Rewriter

Click here to check the User Guide of EasifyAI ChatGPT Rewriter.

User Guide of EasifyAI Photo Enhancer

1. Navigate to the image enhancement processing page.

easifyai photo enhancer interface

2. Choose the images you need to process and upload them.

easifyai photo enhancer upload file

3. The AI will automatically handle it for you, and this process won't take too long. Please be patient.

easifyai photo enhancer processing

4. You can choose to save or select other images for processing.

easifyai photo enhancer process finished

User Guide of EasifyAI Photo Uncrop Tool

1. Navigate to the image uncrop page.

easifyai uncrop tool interface

2. Select the images you want to process and upload them.

easifyai uncrop tool upload file

3. Choose the aspect ratio you need for the image or customize the image size.

easifyai uncrop tool select resolution

4. Processing (This won't take too long, please be patient).

easifyai uncrop tool processing

5. After processing is complete, you can choose to save or select images again for further processing.

easifyai uncrop tool customization

User Guide of EasifyAI Image Animation

1. Enter the Image Animation page.

easifyai image animation interface

2. Select the images you want to process and upload.

easifyai image animation upload file

3. Choose your preferred anime style and generate.

easifyai image animation select style

4. Processing (This won't take too long, please be patient).

easifyai image animation generating

5. After processing is complete, you can choose to save or select images again for further processing.

easifyai image animation finished generate

User Guide of Image to Text

1. Enter the Image-to-Text page.

easifyai image-to-text upload file

2. You can choose to upload, paste, or enter the image URL to submit the image you want to process.

easifyai image-to-text file upload successfully

3. Choose the language of the text you want to extract.

easifyai image-to-text choose language

4. Processing (This won't take too long, please be patient).

easifyai image-to-text choose language

5. After processing is complete, you can choose to translate the text into other languages.

easifyai image-to-text convert successfully

6. After processing is complete, you can choose to translate the text into other languages.

easifyai image-to-text copy successfully

User Guide of AI Photo Colorize

1. Enter the image coloring processing page.

easifyai photo colorize add file

2. Select the images you want to process and upload.

easifyai photo colorize upload file

3. The AI will automatically handle it for you, and this process won't take too long. Please be patient.

easifyai photo colorize processing

4. You can choose to save or select other images for further processing.

easifyai photo colorize

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